About Us
At WeatherMonths.com our mission is to provide most accurate and easy to understand weather information for most popular locations in the world. WeatherMonths.com is used by scientists, researchers, travelers and outdoor enthusiasts to receive precise and in-depth weather reports.
We do this by utilizing data from reputable weather forecasting sources and presenting it in a clear and accessible manner. Our website features interactive graphs, daily and monthly historical weather data to help users plan their activities and stay informed about local conditions.
We are constantly working to expand our coverage and improve the accuracy and reliability of our data. We appreciate feedback from our users and strive to incorporate their suggestions into our website. Our ultimate goal is to be the go-to resource for weather information for locations across the globe.
Meet the WeatherMonths.com team.

Aureliusz Sobczak is the owner and founder of WeatherMonths.com. He manages communications with partners and weather stations. Aureliusz is an expert in data science and meteorology.

Anna Feierabend is a meteorologist at WeatherMonths.com. She writes weather reports for European countries. Anna graduated from University of California (UCLA) with a degree in Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences.

Kwame Hamadou is an expert meteorologist at WeatherMonths.com. He interprets data from weather stations and writes weather reports for all countries in the African continent. Kwame has worked as a meteorologist for 12 years.

Shuang Kung is an expert meteorologist at WeatherMonths.com. She has 11 years of experience in weather research and forecasting. Shuang covers weather reports for countries in Asia and Oceania.

Rickey Bohn is an expert meteorologist at WeatherMonths.com. He specializes in weather reports for the North America, South America and Polar continent. He has 19 years of experience in weather data interpretation and reporting.
When was WeatherMonths.com founded?
WeatherMonths.com was founded on 10th of January 2024 in Warsaw, Poland by Aureliusz Sobczak.
Where does WeatherMonths.com collect weather data?
We collect data from location specific weather stations and from primary partners. Our primary partners are listed below.
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- NCEP Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS)
- Surface Weather Observation Stations (ASOS/AWOS) by Federal Aviation Administration using METAR
- Mesonet Data
- Maritime Data
- Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL)
- Global Historical Climate Network Daily (GHCN-D)
How often does WeatherMonths.com refresh the weather data?
At WeatherMonths.com we refresh weather data every 5 to 6 months, to present the most relevant and up-to-date information.
How to contact us?
You can contact us via email, phone or visit to our office.
Our email is: [email protected]
Our phone is: +48 784 098 868
Our office address is: Żelazna 31/6D, 00-824 Warsaw, Poland