A snowflake is a single ice crystal that falls from the sky as snow. Snowflakes have different shapes, patterns, and facts associated with them. Snowflakes form in types and sizes, each with distinct characteristics. Learn about snowflakes’ shape, facts, and definition to gain an understanding of these wonders. Snowflakes play a crucial role in the water cycle and impact winter weather patterns.

Formation occurs 2-5 km (1.243-3.107 miles) above ground in the atmosphere’s troposphere levels. Snowflakes exhibit a hexagonal structure with six arms growing from the center.

Snowflake shapes vary based on temperature, humidity, and air currents. Earth receives over 1 septillion snowflakes annually. Montana received the largest recorded snowflake in 1887, measuring 38.1 cm (15 inches) wide and 20.3 cm (8 inches) thick.

Snowflakes form when water droplets freeze into ice crystals high in the atmosphere. Crystals freeze into symmetrical ice structures. Temperature affects the size and complexity of snowflakes. Moisture influences the growth, branching, symmetry, and intricacy of snowflake crystals. Snowflake formation takes 30-60 minutes , with some taking hours or days to develop.

Snowflakes come in seven forms with characteristics: dendrites, plates, needles, columns, irregular, rimed, and crystals. Rimed snowflakes possess an icy coating.

Snowflakes fall at speeds ranging from 0.354to 10.799 (0.22 to 6.71 mph km/h). Larger snowflakes fall around 1.078-5.407 km/h (0.67-3.36 mph). Temperature, humidity, and wind influence falling speeds.

What is a snowflake in weather?

Snowflakes form as ice crystals in clouds below 0°C (32°F). Tiny bits of ice stick together, growing larger as crystals accumulate. Snowflakes fall toward Earth through varying air layers. Temperature and humidity influence snowflake shape and size. Wind carries snowflakes around clouds. Heavier snowflakes fall when heavy enough to remain suspended.

Snowflake formation occurs 2-5 km (1.2-3.1miles) above ground in the atmosphere’s troposphere levels. Ice crystal development begins when supercooled water droplets freeze onto dust particles. Temperature and humidity conditions determine the shape as the snowflake develops.

Snowflake types include dendrites, plates, needles, and columns. Dendrites represent a common snowflake type with branching structures. Plates form plate-like snowflake structures. Needles create long, thin snowflake structures. Columns develop hexagonal snowflake structures.

Snowflake precipitation falls from the sky as frozen water. Snowflake snow occurs as a precipitation form in cold air. Snow manifests in forms like powder, granular, and wet snow.

Snowflake temperature for formation ranges from -10°C to -20°C (14°F to -4°F). Humidity and other air conditions affect snowflake formation temperatures. Cold temperatures and sufficient moisture enable snowflake formation in the atmosphere.

Snowflakes indicate expected snow in weather forecasts. The snowflake icon represents light or moderate snow in forecasts. A cloud with a snowflake underneath signifies snow or a snowstorm in weather symbols. A snowflake with emanating lines represents blowing or drifting snow.

What are the facts about snowflakes?

Snowflakes have six sides due to water molecule structure. No two snowflakes are alike. Snowflakes form when supercooled water droplets freeze into ice crystals. Temperatures allow water vapor to freeze onto crystal surfaces. Snow appears white from light scattering.

The facts about snowflakes are outlined below.

  • Snowflakes: Ice crystals formed from water vapor in clouds by freezing onto dust particles, creating their initial structure.
  • Six-sided structure: Snowflakes have a six-sided structure due to the molecular arrangement of ice and hydrogen bonding.
  • Descent and growth: Snowflakes grow as they descend through the atmosphere, accumulating frozen water vapor.
  • Falling speed: Snowflakes fall at speeds ranging from 1.6-14.5 km/h (1-9 mph), influenced by their size and shape.
  • Accumulation process: Snowflakes undergo accretion, amalgamating with other ice crystals during descent.
  • Annual snowfall: Over 1 septillion snowflakes fall to Earth each year.
  • Classification: Snowflakes are categorized into dendrites, plates, needles, and columns.
  • Size variations: Snowflakes range in size from millimeters to centimeters.
  • Record size: The largest snowflake recorded was 381 mm (15 inches) wide and 203 mm (8 inches) thick, found in Montana in 1887.
  • Misconceptions: Snowflakes are not frozen raindrops and differ in formation.
  • Unique formation: Each snowflake has a unique shape, determined by atmospheric conditions.
  • Influencing factors: Gravity, wind, and air resistance affect the shape and size of falling snowflakes.

What do snowflakes look like?

Snowflakes are ice crystals with six symmetrical arms radiating from the center. Perfect star shapes form under certain conditions. Columns and plates within the crystal influence its structure. Light passing through creates patterns of stars and columns. Snowflake arms vary from thick and fluffy to thin and delicate, depending on formation conditions.

Formation of snowflakes begins when water droplets freeze into ice crystals high in the atmosphere. Crystals freeze into symmetrical ice structures that reflect order and precision in nature. The shape of a snowflake results from its journey through varying temperatures and humidity levels. Temperature affects the size and complexity of snowflakes as they grow. Moisture influences the growth and branching of snowflake crystals, affecting their symmetry and intricacy.

Snowflakes make star-shaped patterns as they freeze under specific atmospheric conditions. Snowflakes make powder snow when the air is cold and dry. Fluffballs occur when snowflakes form in cold air. Snowflakes make denser snow when the air is warmer and more humid.

Light reflects off snowflake facets to create sparkling patterns. Close-up photography reveals variation in snowflake shapes and structures. Wilson Bentley photographed thousands of snowflakes in the early 20th century.

Can you see a snowflake without a microscope?

Snowflakes can be seen without a microscope as white specks or crystals. Snow falling allows glimpses of snowflake shapes. Naked eyes struggle to discern details. Snowflakes measure 0.05-5 millimeters (0.002-0.2 inches) in diameter. Snowflakes appear like crystals visible to the eye. Microscopes reveal snowflakes in greater detail, showing patterns and shapes.

Snowflake visibility depends on their size. The smallest visible snowflakes measure 0.1 mm (0.004 inches). People with good eyesight can see snowflakes as small as 0.3 mm (0.01 inches). The minimum size for eye visibility in lighting conditions is 0.5 mm (0.p2). Size for detailed observation without tools is 0.8 mm (0.03 inches). Viewing size without magnification is 2 mm (0.08 inches). Snowflakes measuring 3 mm (0.12 inches) have distinguishable crystal structures. Visible snowflakes measure 5 mm in size (0.2 inches). Maximum size for snowflakes is 10 mm (0.4 inches). Large snowflakes reach 15 mm (0.6 inches) in size.

Snowflakes have details visible with or without a microscope. Snowflake images reveal complex crystal structures. Snowflakes look different depending on their size and viewing conditions. Wilson Bentley, nicknamed “snowflake man”, pioneered snowflake photography in 1885. Researchers study snowflakes using tools and techniques.

What do snowflakes look like under a microscope?

Snowflakes reveal six-sided crystalline structures under a microscope. Magnification exposes the ice crystals and hexagonal patterns that form the foundation of each snowflake. Microscopes with 40x to 100x magnification show the complex networks of branches and plates within snowflakes.

Designs emerge as snowflakes grow and branch out from a central axis. Snowflakes display a range of shapes and sizes, measuring from 0.05 millimeters (0.002 inches) to 5 millimeters (0.2 inches) in diameter. Six-fold symmetry creates arms radiating from the snowflake’s center, resulting in arrays of patterns. Individual ice crystals in snowflakes range from 0.01 mm to 1 mm in diameter, forming lattice structures.

Snowflakes appear as shimmering jewels under high magnification, reflecting light to give them their shine. Temperature and humidity conditions determine snowflake shapes, influencing the growth of branching structures. Snowflakes form in temperatures below 0°C (32°F), between -10°C to -20°C (14°F to -4°F).

Microscopes reveal snowflakes as simple hexagonal plates or designs with layers of branching. Some snowflakes resemble ferns with arms, while others have broad, plate-like surfaces. Advanced microscopy techniques capture images of snowflakes, showcasing their patterns and formations. Snowflakes differ in shape, size, and pattern, with no two being alike due to variations in their microscopic structures.

How does a snowflake form?

Snowflakes form in Earth’s atmosphere below 0°C (32°F). Water vapor freezes onto particles like dust or pollen in clouds. Ice crystals grow as they fall, collecting supercooled water droplets. Crystals develop six faces and arms. Temperature, humidity, and wind influence growth. Snowflakes become larger through accretion, falling as snow.

Snowflake shapes depend on air temperature and humidity during formation. Cold, humid air produces snowflakes with branching patterns. Warm, dry air results in snowflakes with simpler structures. Snowflakes exhibit diversity in shapes and patterns, ranging from simple hexagons to elaborate designs. Snowflake sizes vary, with some reaching diameters up to 10 millimeters (0.4 inches). Snowflakes fall at speeds of 0.5-2 meters per second, influenced by their size and shape. Snowflake formation takes 30-60 minutes, though some take hours or days to develop. The combination of atmospheric conditions, temperature, and humidity during formation ensures that no two snowflakes have the same structure.

What shape is a snowflake?

Snowflakes form hexagonal shapes with six sides. Water molecules arrange in a crystal lattice structure, creating the hexagon. Hexagonal symmetry dominates snowflake patterns. Snowflakes exhibit shapes like dendrites, plates, and columns. Temperature and humidity influence snowflake shapes. Atmospheric conditions contribute to snowflake formations.

Snowflakes develop into unique shapes and patterns as they grow. Plate crystals form star shapes extending from the central hexagon. Branched points emerge at the corners of the hexagon, creating designs. Weather conditions influence the shape of snowflakes, resulting in a variety of forms.

The shape of snowflakes depends on several factors during formation. Water molecules have a bent shape, which contributes to the hexagonal arrangement in ice crystals. Snowflakes form when water freezes onto a particle in the atmosphere. Environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity determine the shapes of snowflakes. Cold, dry air produces regular snowflake patterns, while warm, humid air creates irregular snowflakes.

How do snowflakes get their shape?

Snowflakes form through crystallization of supercooled water droplets. Water molecules arrange in predetermined patterns during freezing, creating six-sided crystal lattice structures. Temperature and humidity influence molecular arrangement, resulting in shapes ranging from hexagons to designs. Internal crystal structure and environmental conditions determine each snowflake’s pattern.

Ice crystals grow as more water vapor freezes on the crystal surface. Temperature plays a role in determining the crystal structure and growth rate. Higher temperatures lead to crystal growth, while lower temperatures result in slower, intricate formations. Humidity impacts the development of the snowflake by affecting the growth rate and complexity of the crystal arms. Humidity levels cause branching of crystal arms, resulting in elaborate shapes.

Wind carries snowflakes along paths through varying atmospheric conditions. Trajectories expose each snowflake to different environments during its descent. Particles in the air interact with the growing crystal, contributing to its shape. Changing conditions throughout the snowflake’s fall shape its form, resulting in a variety of snowflake shapes and structures.

Researchers have classified snowflakes into different types based on their formation conditions. Q Chen’s 2021 study, “Beyond snowflakes: Heterogeneity in nanomaterials,” explored snowflake formation and shapes. Leinonen and von Lerber conducted a snowflake melting simulation in 2018 using smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Their research demonstrated the influence of environmental factors on snowflake shape and emphasized the importance of temperature and humidity in the formation process.

Is every snowflake unique?

Snowflakes possess unique structures. Wilson Bentley (1902) and Kenneth Libbrecht (2006) documented snowflake uniqueness through photography and microscopy. Finding two snowflakes alike is impossible. Researchers estimate over 10^65 snowflake combinations exist. Weather conditions, temperature, humidity, and air currents influence snowflake formation, creating distinct atomic-level arrangements of hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

Snowflake shapes are influenced by specific environmental factors during formation. Temperature and humidity levels determine whether snowflakes develop long, thin branches or short, stubby arms. Warmer temperatures produce more branching in snowflakes. Colder temperatures result in more plate-like shapes. Similar conditions produce snowflakes with comparable shapes and characteristics.

Snowflakes have common features despite their individual variations. Snowflakes exhibit a hexagonal shape with six distinct arms or branches. Snowflakes display symmetrical patterns of branches and plates. Snowflakes have a transparent appearance. Some snowflakes appear opaque or cloudy due to air bubbles or impurities.

Snowflakes grow and take on a range of shapes and patterns. Some snowflakes resemble stars or ferns. Snowflake growth takes place over minutes, allowing for transformations in shape, size, and pattern.

How many sides does a snowflake have?

Snowflakes have six sides. Six-sided structure reflects the molecular arrangement of water molecules in a hexagonal pattern. Kenneth G. Libbrecht studied snowflake formation, confirming the consistent hexagonal structure. Environmental conditions influence shape variations, but the six-sided property remains constant. Studies by Bentley, Humphreys, Nakaya, and others support this claim.

Merged snowflakes form when two snowflakes collide and stick, resulting in a structure with 2 sides. Snowflakes with branches have 12 or more sides. These formations develop as the snowflake grows and accumulates more water molecules during its descent.

Snowflakes are structures with patterns and varying levels of complexity. Snowflakes contain an amount of empty space, up to 90% air. This characteristic contributes to their light and fluffy nature.

What are snowflakes made of?

Snowflakes are made of ice crystals formed in the sky. Ice crystals originate when supercooled water droplets freeze onto particles like dust or pollen. Falling crystals accumulate water vapor, growing larger. Hexagonal lattices of hydrogen and oxygen atoms create symmetrical shapes. Wilson Bentley, Ukichiro Nakaya, and Kenneth G. Libbrecht studied snowflakes. Benedict states no two snowflakes are alike.

Snowflake formation begins 1-2 km (0.6-1.2 miles) above the ground in clouds. Water vapor freezes onto dust particles through a process called nucleation. Homogeneous nucleation occurs when water vapor freezes onto ice crystals. Heterogeneous nucleation happens when water vapor freezes onto impurities like dust or pollen.

Crystals grow larger as they move through the atmosphere. Updrafts and downdrafts carry the crystals through layers of supercooled water droplets. The crystals collide with particles and water droplets, causing them to grow and develop complex branching structures. Temperature and humidity conditions determine the shapes and patterns of snowflakes.

Crystals amalgamate with crystals as they fall towards the ground. Collision-coalescence merges crystals, forming larger snowflakes. Accretion draws smaller crystals onto larger ones, increasing their size. Snowflakes range in size from millimeters to centimeters.

Crystals continue to transform during their descent to the ground. Temperature changes and atmospheric conditions affect the snowflake’s shape and structure. Crystals melt or sublimate and refreeze, altering their appearance. Snowflakes are formed when these ice crystals reach the ground.

What color are snowflakes?

Snowflakes are transparent and clear ice crystals. Light scattering through their complex structure and air bubbles creates a white appearance. Mie scattering causes shorter light wavelengths to scatter more. Crystal structure refracts and reflects light, enhancing the look across all snowflake variations.

Snow on the ground appears bright white. The scattering of light by ice crystals produces this white appearance. Falling snowflakes viewed from a distance look light gray or pale blue. Rayleigh scattering of light in the atmosphere causes this color perception. Snowflakes under sunlight take on a near-white appearance. Sunlight reflection off the ice crystals enhances their brilliance.

Snowflakes in overcast conditions appear grayish. Diffuse light from cloud cover reduces direct sunlight interaction with the ice crystals. Fallen snow exhibits a bright white color with a slight blue tint. Uncompacted snowflakes maximize light scattering for a brilliant white appearance. Melted snow takes on an off-white hue. Ice crystal breakdown during melting alters light interaction, resulting in a less vibrant appearance.

Snow in moonlight displays a pale white glow. Moonlight scattering off ice crystals creates this luminous effect. Snow in artificial lighting appears as a warm white color. Artificial light sources emit wavelengths, influencing the perceived color of snow. Snow with light pollution reflection shows a tinted appearance. Artificial light from urban areas reflects off snow, producing color variations.

Why are snowflakes symmetrical?

Snowflakes exhibit symmetry due to water molecules arranging in a hexagonal crystal lattice during crystallization. The Benedict arrangement creates a stable structure through repeating hydrogen bonds. Ice crystals reflect internal order through snowflake symmetry. Water vapor freezes onto dust particles, forming nuclei for crystal growth. Temperature, humidity, and snowflake size influence symmetry patterns. Snowflakes develop complex, symmetrical structures.

Snowflakes grow under similar atmospheric conditions. Edges extend from the center, maintaining the six-fold symmetry characteristic of ice crystals. Facets develop on the snowflake’s surface, reflecting the underlying hexagonal structure. The lattice determines the shape and arrangement of the snowflake, driving symmetrical crystal growth.

Conditions experienced during formation influence snowflake symmetry. Temperature, humidity, and air currents affect how water molecules accumulate on the growing crystal. Snowflakes form as water vapor freezes onto existing crystals, with each arm developing under the same environmental factors. The combination of hexagonal geometry and formation conditions results in the symmetrical patterns observed in snowflakes.

What are the different types of snowflakes?

Snowflakes come in seven different categories with unique characteristics. Dendrites display symmetrical shapes with branching arms. Plates have hexagonal outlines. Needles are long and thin. Columns feature a columnar structure. Irregular snowflakes show asymmetrical shapes. Rimed snowflakes possess a rough, icy coating. Crystals exhibit transparent structures and include dendrites, fernlike stellar dendrites, and spatial dendrites.

The different types of snowflakes are outlined below.

  • Plate snowflakes: Include solid plates, thin plates, and stellar plates.
  • Solid plate snowflakes: Flat and unbroken in structure.
  • Thin plate snowflakes: Transparent with a thin profile.
  • Stellar plate snowflakes: Exhibit a star pattern.
  • Columnar snowflakes: Include solid prisms, hollow columns, needles, bullets, and capped columns.
  • Solid prism snowflakes: Have a three-dimensional prism shape.
  • Hollow column snowflakes: Feature empty centers.
  • Needle snowflakes: Characterized by a long, thin form.
  • Bullet snowflakes: Cylindrical in shape.
  • Capped column snowflakes: Have flat, plate tops.
  • Dendrite snowflakes: Display a tree-like structure with branching arms.
  • Fernlike stellar dendrite snowflakes: Exhibit fern-like patterns.
  • Spatial dendrite snowflakes: Form three-dimensional, branching shapes.
  • Irregular snowflake forms: Do not fit standard patterns or other categories and have shapes that do not follow a pattern.
  • Rimed snowflake forms: Coated with frozen supercooled water droplets, resulting in rough, irregular surfaces.
  • Germ of ice crystal snowflakes: The initial stage of snowflake formation.
  • Combination snowflake forms: Exhibit characteristics of multiple snowflake types.

Dendrites form between -10°C and -20°C (14 to -4°F) in humid air. Plates develop between -5°C and -15°C (23-5°F) in humidity. Columns grow between -15°C and -25°C (5 to -13°F) in low humidity. Needles form below -20°C (-4°F) in low humidity.

How many types of snowflakes are there?

Snowflakes have 35 types classified into seven main categories. Categories include plates, stellar dendrites, columns, needles, capped columns, irregular, and complex forms. Classification is based on shape, temperature, and humidity during formation. Ukichiro Nakaya’s 1954 research and Kenneth G. Libbrecht’s 2006 studies support this classification system.

How fast do snowflakes fall?

Snowflakes fall at speeds ranging from 0.4-11 km/h (0.22 to 6.71 mph). Larger snowflakes fall slower, around 1.1-5.4 km/h (0.67-3.36 mph). Smaller snowflakes fall faster, around 5.4-11 km/h (3.36-6.71 mph). Snowflakes float through the air due to their shape and structure. Factors like temperature, humidity, and wind influence falling speeds. Nakaya and Libbrecht’s research contributes to understanding snowflake falling speeds.

How long does it take a snowflake to fall?

Snowflakes fall at varying speeds,ranging from 0.4-11 km/h (0.22 to 6.71 mph). Smaller snowflakes reach 9.7 km/h (6 mph). Snowflakes float at 1.6 km/h (1 mph). Snowflakes fall at 5.6 km/h (3.5 mph). Snowflakes take 1 hour to descend from 3,500 feet (1,067 meters). Fall time ranges from 30 seconds to 1 hour.

Distance plays a role in determining fall time. Snowflakes take 3.5 seconds to fall 1 foot. Snowflakes falling 1 mile at a speed of 3.5 feet per second take 16.7 minutes to complete their journey. Weather conditions impact snowflake descent time. Snowflakes in winds take as little as 10 seconds to reach the ground. Light snowflakes in calm conditions take up to 2 hours to complete their descent. Snowflakes in a blizzard with downdrafts take 5 minutes to fall from cloud level to the ground.

How many snowflakes fall each year?

One septillion snowflakes fall worldwide every year. Kenneth G. Libbrecht, a Caltech physicist, estimated this number using satellite data and mathematical modeling. 100 quintillion snowflakes fall from the sky in a snowstorm. Ice crystals, including snowflakes, total one septillion.

How many snowflakes are in a snowball?

The number of snowflakes in a snowball varies, ranging from 50 to over 1,000,000. A packed snowball with a 10 cm diameter contains 1,000 to 5,000 snowflakes. A packed snowball with a 20 cm diameter contains 10,000 to 20,000 snowflakes. A packed snowball with a 30 cm diameter contains 100,000 to 200,000 snowflakes. A large, compressed snowball with a 40 cm diameter contains 500,000 to 1,000,000 snowflakes.

The type and condition of snow affect the snowflake count in snowballs. A snowball made from snowflakes contains only 50 snowflakes. A snowball made from powdery snow contains 5,000 to 10,000 snowflakes. A snowball made from snow contains 200,000 to 500,000 snowflakes. The formation method impacts the snowflake count. A snowball rolled down a hill contains 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 snowflakes.

How many snowflakes fall in a snowstorm?

Scientists estimate 100 quintillion snowflakes fall in a snowstorm. 5 quintillion snowflakes equal the estimated number of sand grains on world beaches. 100 quintillion snowflakes fill 100,000 Rose Bowl-sized stadiums. Snowstorms produce 50 quintillion snowflakes per hour.

The number of snowflakes falling in a storm depends on factors such as storm intensity, duration, and affected area size. J Rao published findings on snowflake quantities in 2015, while P Fearing conducted computer modeling studies of fallen snow in 2000. The number of snowflakes stands as a measure of storm intensity and snowfall accumulation.

What is the average size of a snowflake?

Snowflakes average 1.3 mm (0.05 inches) in diameter. Snowflakes range from 0.25 mm (0.01 inches) to 3.8 cm (1.5 inches). Kenneth G. Libbrecht from Caltech suggests a median diameter of 1-2 mm (0.04-0.08 inches). Size distribution is skewed. Temperature, humidity, wind shear, and cloud type influence snowflake size.

How big can snowflakes get?

Kenneth G. Yuter recorded the largest snowflakes observed. . Record snowflakes reached 8 inches (20 cm) across and 15 inches (38 cm) in diameter. Large snowflakes are rare due to unique atmospheric conditions. Scientists study snowflake sizes to understand weather patterns.

Larger snowflakes form under specific atmospheric conditions. Meteorologists consider snowflakes up to 5.1 cm (2 inches) credible based on observations. Aggregate snowflakes in certain conditions grow to sizes of 15.2 cm (6 inches) or larger. Some experts suggest a theoretical maximum size of 30.5 cm (12 inches) for snowflakes. The Guinness World Record for the largest recorded snowflake stands at 38.1 cm (15 inches) in diameter, observed in Fort Keogh, Montana in 1887.

Snowflake size depends on temperature, humidity, and wind conditions. Supercooled water droplets in clouds freeze to form snowflakes. Snowflakes fall through clouds, sticking together to form bigger flakes. Lake-effect snow produces snowflakes around 1.3 cm (0.5 inches) or more. Calm conditions with wind allow “puffball” snowflakes to form, growing to pancake-like sizes over 2.5 cm (1 inch) across.

What causes big snowflakes?

Snow crystals form aggregates to create snowflakes. Moisture in the air promotes snowflake growth. Temperature near freezing enables formation. Sticky snow crystals bond under moist, cold conditions. Larger snowflakes result from accumulation of multiple crystals. Moisture increases size. Freezing temperatures facilitate growth. Crystals adhere when sticky.

Temperatures above freezing cause snowflakes to begin melting. Melting snowflakes develop a water sheen on their surface, making them stickier. Wind prevents snowflakes from breaking apart as they fall. The liquid film on snowflakes helps them stick together.

Optimal temperature range for snowflake formation is between -10°C and -5°C (-14°F to 23°F). Temperatures in this range produce larger snowflakes compared to colder conditions. Humid air provides more water vapor for snowflakes to grow as they fall. Snowflakes accrete and grow through collisions with other crystals and water droplets.

Humidity plays a crucial role in snowflake formation. Water collects on snowflakes as they pass through humid air layers. Snow collects and sticks together in high humidity conditions. Humidity levels above 80% are required for snowflake growth.

The process of large snowflake formation involves multiple factors. Snowflakes accrete due to their sticky surfaces created by partial melting. Partial melting and refreezing occur as snowflakes fall through varying temperature layers. The combination of water vapor, temperature, and humidity produces the largest snowflakes. Snowflakes measure up to 10 cm (3.9 in) in diameter under ideal conditions.