Spain Weather in July: Temperature, Precipitation, Wind
In July, Spain experiences clear days with an average temperature of 81.5°F (27.5°C), which can reach highs of 93.5°F (34.2°C) and lows of 68.1°F (20.0°C). It has a low average humidity of 33.2% and a moderate average breeze of 21.2mph (36.7km/h). The chance of precipitation is low at 6.5%, with an average of 0.4 days of rainy weather expected throughout the month.
What is the temperature in Spain in July?
Average air temperature in Spain is 27.5°C (81.5°F) in July. The outside temperature in Spain feels like 26.7°C (80°F) on a typical July day. The highest average temperature during sunny days is 34.2°C (93.5°F) and feels like 32.1°C (89.9°F). The lowest average temperature after dark is 20°C (68.1°F) which feels like 20°C (68.1°F).
How hot is Spain in July?
The hot temperature in July in Spain rises to 39.1°C (102.4°F) on sunny days with low cloud coverage and 33.2% humidity. During hottest days of July it feels like 37.8 °C (100°F). The average maximum temp in Spain is 34.2°C (100°F) during day time in July.
How cold is Spain in July?
The coldest temp in Spain in July drops to 17.5°C (63.5°F) during the cold nights. With 21.2km/h (13.2mph) winds and 33.2% humidity it feels like 17.5°C (63.5°F) on the coldest nights. The average minimum temperature is 20°C (68.1°F) during night time in July.
Does it rain in Spain in July?
Yes, it rains for 2 days in Spain in July averaging 0 mm of precipitation. Spain has a 6.5% chance for rain throughout the entire month of July.
How much does it rain in Spain throughout July?
Spain has 0 mm (0 inch) of rain per day on average in July. It rains for an average of 2 days out of the entire month.
Is Spain windy in July?
The average speed of wind in Spain during July is 21.2km/h (13.2mph) and average windgust is 36.7km/h (22.8mph). On some days in July wind can reach up to 33.8km/h (21mph).
What is the direction of the wind in Spain in July?
Most days of July the wind is blowing from Southwest direction in Spain.
What are the humidity levels in Spain in July?
The average humidity levels in Spain in July are 33.2%. Daily humidity levels in Spain range from 22.8% to 43.9% during July.
How many hours of daylight are in Spain in July?
Spain has 14 hours 43 minutes of daylight in July on average. Sunset and sunrise times gradually change throughout the month. Sunrise in Spain in July is at 6:58:28 and the sunset is at 21:42:13.
What is the cloud coverage in Spain in July?
Clouds cover 14.7% of the sky on average throughout July in Spain. The cloud coverage ranges from 0% to 48.1% depending on the day of the month.
What is the UV level in July in Spain?
The average UV index in Spain is 7.8 in July. UV levels change throughout the month and range from 7 to 10.
What is the solar radiation in Spain in July?
The average solar radiation is 297.4 W/m2 (Watts per square meter) in Spain during July. However solar radiation levels change throughout the month and range from 239.2 W/m2 to 333.1 W/m2.
What is the solar energy during July in Spain?
The average solar energy during July in Spain is 25.7 MJ/m2 (megajoules per square metre). Solar energy ranges from 20.7 MJ/m2, to 28.8 MJ/m2 during July.
Are there severe weather risks in Spain in July?
No, there are no risks for severe weather in Spain in July.
What is the air pressure in Spain in July?
On average the air pressure in Spain in July is 1015.7 mb (millibars). Throughout the month the sea level pressure ranges from 1012.1 mb to 1019.7 mb.
What is the visibility in Spain in July?
The average daylight visibility in Spain in July is 16.2 km (10.1 miles). Depending on the precipitation the visibility ranges from 11.8 km (7.3 miles) to 17.5 km (10.9 miles) throughout July.
What is the dew point in Spain in July?
The average dew point in Spain during July is 8.6°C (47.5°F).
Where is the data for Spain climate in July coming from?
The climate data for Spain in July is collected from the following weather stations.
- CW1784 Guadalajara ES
- FW7959 Villanueva Del Pardillo ES