Sultanate Of Oman Weather in December: Temperature, Precipitation, Wind
In December, the Sultanate of Oman experiences warm and sunny weather throughout its territory. Muscat, the capital, has an average temperature of 23.9°C (75°F), with daily highs reaching 27°C (80.6°F) and overnight lows dropping to 19.1°C (66.4°F). The average daily feel-like temperature is around 24°C (75.2°F). December sees relatively low humidity, with an average of 59.6%. Precipitation is minimal, with an average of 0.03mm and a 12.9% chance of rain over 1.2 days. There is a light breeze, with an average wind speed of 18.2 km/h (11.3 mph), and the skies are generally clear, with an average cloud cover of 16.9% and an average visibility of 9.8 km (6.1 miles). The weather conditions in Oman during December are ideal for outdoor activities, such as exploring the country’s stunning landscapes and enjoying its pristine beaches.
What is the temperature in Sultanate Of Oman in December?
Average air temperature in Sultanate Of Oman is °C (°F) in December. The outside temperature in Sultanate Of Oman feels like °C (°F) on a typical December day. The highest average temperature during sunny days is °C (°F) and feels like °C (°F). The lowest average temperature after dark is °C (°F) which feels like °C (°F).
How cold is Sultanate Of Oman in December?
The coldest temp in Sultanate Of Oman in December drops to °C (°F) during the cold nights. With km/h (mph) winds and % humidity it feels like °C (°F) on the coldest nights. The average minimum temperature is °C (°F) during night time in December.
Does it rain in Sultanate Of Oman in December?
Is Sultanate Of Oman windy in December?
What is the direction of the wind in Sultanate Of Oman in December?
Most days of December the wind is blowing from direction in Sultanate Of Oman.
What are the humidity levels in Sultanate Of Oman in December?
The average humidity levels in Sultanate Of Oman in December are %. Daily humidity levels in Sultanate Of Oman range from % to % during December.
How many hours of daylight are in Sultanate Of Oman in December?
Sultanate Of Oman has of daylight in December on average. Sunset and sunrise times gradually change throughout the month. Sunrise in Sultanate Of Oman in December is at and the sunset is at .
What is the cloud coverage in Sultanate Of Oman in December?
Clouds cover % of the sky on average throughout December in Sultanate Of Oman. The cloud coverage ranges from % to % depending on the day of the month.
Are there severe weather risks in Sultanate Of Oman in December?
What is the air pressure in Sultanate Of Oman in December?
On average the air pressure in Sultanate Of Oman in December is mb (millibars). Throughout the month the sea level pressure ranges from mb to mb.
What is the visibility in Sultanate Of Oman in December?
What is the dew point in Sultanate Of Oman in December?
The average dew point in Sultanate Of Oman during December is °C (°F).