Joshua Tree Weather in March: Temperature, Precipitation, Wind
Joshua Tree, United States in March experiences a mild desert climate with significant temperature variations between day and night. The average temperature hovers around 11.8°C (53.2°F), with daytime highs reaching 17.5°C (63.6°F) and nighttime lows dipping to 6.4°C (43.5°F).
Visitors to Joshua Tree National Park feel temperatures cooler than the actual readings. The average “feels like” temperature is 11.0°C (51.8°F), with a maximum of 17.4°C (63.4°F) and a minimum of 4.4°C (39.9°F). The desert’s low humidity, averaging 47.6%, contributes to the perceived coolness.
Precipitation is minimal in March, with an average of 0.71 mm (0.03 inches) of rainfall. Rain occurs on approximately 10 days throughout the month, covering about 10.1% of the time. The probability of precipitation on any given day is 32.3%.
Wind plays a significant role in Joshua Tree’s March weather. Average wind speeds reach 29.4 km/h (18.3 mph), with gusts up to 56.6 km/h (35.2 mph). These winds, combined with the desert landscape, create a dynamic and ever-changing environment.
Clear skies dominate March in Joshua Tree. The average cloud cover is a mere 18.3%, allowing for excellent visibility of 15.3 km (9.5 miles). The UV index averages a high 8.1, necessitating sun protection for outdoor activities.
Sunrise in March occurs around 6:33 AM, with sunset following at approximately 6:32 PM. The long daylight hours provide ample time for exploring popular spots like Hidden Valley, Barker Dam, and Keys View within Joshua Tree National Park.
Atmospheric pressure remains steady at 1015.5 hPa, typical for desert regions. The risk of severe weather is relatively low at 10.0%, but visitors should remain aware of potential rapid weather changes characteristic of desert environments.
What is the temperature in Joshua Tree in March?
Average air temperature in Joshua Tree is 11.8°C (53.2°F) in March. The outside temperature in Joshua Tree feels like 11°C (51.8°F) on a typical March day. The highest average temperature during sunny days is 17.5°C (63.6°F) and feels like 17.4°C (63.4°F). The lowest average temperature after dark is 6.4°C (43.5°F) which feels like 4.4°C (39.9°F).
How hot is Joshua Tree in March?
The hot temperature in March in Joshua Tree rises to 26.1°C (79°F) on sunny days with low cloud coverage and 47.6% humidity. During hottest days of March it feels like 26.1 °C (79°F). The average maximum temp in Joshua Tree is 17.5°C (79°F) during day time in March.
How cold is Joshua Tree in March?
The coldest temp in Joshua Tree in March drops to 0.8°C (33.4°F) during the cold nights. With 29.4km/h (18.2mph) winds and 47.6% humidity it feels like -4.1°C (24.6°F) on the coldest nights. The average minimum temperature is 6.4°C (43.5°F) during night time in March.
Does it rain in Joshua Tree in March?
Yes, it rains for 10 days in Joshua Tree, United States in March averaging 0.71 mm of precipitation. Joshua Tree has a 32.3% chance for rain throughout the entire month of March.
How much does it rain in Joshua Tree throughout March?
Joshua Tree has 0.71 mm (0.03 inch) of rain per day on average in March. It rains for an average of 10 days out of the entire month.
Does it snow in Joshua Tree in March?
Yes, it snows in Joshua Tree during March. The average snowfall is 0.01 cm (0 inch) per day. And there is 0.01 cm (0.01 inch) of snow on the ground.
Is Joshua Tree windy in March?
The average speed of wind in Joshua Tree, United States during March is 29.4km/h (18.2mph) and average windgust is 56.6km/h (35.2mph). On some days in March wind can reach up to 49.2km/h (30.6mph).
What is the direction of the wind in Joshua Tree in March?
Most days of March the wind is blowing from West direction in Joshua Tree.
What are the humidity levels in Joshua Tree in March?
The average humidity levels in Joshua Tree in March are 47.6%. Daily humidity levels in Joshua Tree range from 22.4% to 75% during March.
How many hours of daylight are in Joshua Tree in March?
Joshua Tree has 11 hours 59 minutes of daylight in March on average. Sunset and sunrise times gradually change throughout the month. Sunrise in Joshua Tree in March is at 6:33:01 and the sunset is at 18:32:24.
What is the cloud coverage in Joshua Tree in March?
Clouds cover 18.3% of the sky on average throughout March in Joshua Tree. The cloud coverage ranges from 0% to 79.3% depending on the day of the month.
What is the UV level in March in Joshua Tree?
The average UV index in Joshua Tree is 8.1 in March. UV levels change throughout the month and range from 4 to 10.
What is the solar radiation in Joshua Tree in March?
The average solar radiation is 218.4 W/m2 (Watts per square meter) in Joshua Tree during March. However solar radiation levels change throughout the month and range from 56.4 W/m2 to 281 W/m2.
What is the solar energy during March in Joshua Tree?
The average solar energy during March in Joshua Tree is 18.8 MJ/m2 (megajoules per square metre). Solar energy ranges from 4.8 MJ/m2, to 24.1 MJ/m2 during March.
Are there severe weather risks in Joshua Tree in March?
Yes, there is a 10% risk for severe weather in Joshua Tree, United States in March.
What is the air pressure in Joshua Tree in March?
On average the air pressure in Joshua Tree in March is 1015.5 mb (millibars). Throughout the month the sea level pressure ranges from 1005.9 mb to 1023.3 mb.
What is the visibility in Joshua Tree in March?
The average daylight visibility in Joshua Tree in March is 15.3 km (9.5 miles). Depending on the precipitation the visibility ranges from 10.9 km (6.8 miles) to 16.1 km (10 miles) throughout March.
What is the dew point in Joshua Tree in March?
The average dew point in Joshua Tree during March is -0.2°C (31.6°F).
Where is the data for Joshua Tree climate in March coming from?
The climate data for Joshua Tree, California, United States in March is collected from the following weather stations.
- CW1828 Joshua Tree CA US
- Joshua Tree CA US CIMIS
- Joshua Tree-National Monument CA US CARB
- EW7192 Yucca Valley CA US
- KL35