Malibu Weather in May: Temperature, Precipitation, Wind
Malibu, United States in May experiences a mild Mediterranean climate characterized by pleasant temperatures and relatively low precipitation. The average temperature hovers around 16°C (60.7°F), with daytime highs reaching 19.2°C (66.5°F) and nighttime lows dipping to 13.5°C (56.3°F). These temperatures create comfortable conditions for visitors to enjoy Malibu’s famous beaches, such as Zuma Beach and Surfrider Beach.
Humidity levels in Malibu during May are moderately high, averaging 74%. Precipitation is minimal, with an average of only 0.26 mm (0.01 inches) of rainfall throughout the month. Rain occurs on approximately 5 days, covering about 2.3% of the time. The most common precipitation type is rain, and severe weather risk remains low at 10%.
Cloud cover is significant in May, with an average of 69.1% coverage. Despite this, visibility remains good at 14.6 km (9.1 miles). The UV index is high at 8.3, indicating strong sun exposure. Visitors to popular spots like Point Dume State Beach should take appropriate sun protection measures.
Wind conditions in Malibu during May are moderate. Average wind speeds reach 18.8 km/h (11.7 mph), with gusts up to 33.9 km/h (21.1 mph). These breezes contribute to the area’s popularity for water sports at locations like Surfrider Beach.
Atmospheric pressure averages 1014.4 hPa, indicating stable weather conditions. The most common weather condition is partly cloudy days, providing a mix of sun and clouds for visitors exploring attractions like the Getty Villa or hiking in the Santa Monica Mountains.
Daylight hours are ample in May, with sunrise occurring around 5:53 AM and sunset at approximately 7:49 PM. These extended daylight hours allow for plenty of time to enjoy outdoor activities in Malibu’s scenic coastal environment.
What is the temperature in Malibu in May?
Average air temperature in Malibu is 16°C (60.7°F) in May. The outside temperature in Malibu feels like 16°C (60.7°F) on a typical May day. The highest average temperature during sunny days is 19.2°C (66.5°F) and feels like 19.2°C (66.5°F). The lowest average temperature after dark is 13.5°C (56.3°F) which feels like 13.5°C (56.3°F).
How hot is Malibu in May?
The hot temperature in May in Malibu rises to 21.6°C (70.9°F) on sunny days with low cloud coverage and 74% humidity. During hottest days of May it feels like 21.6 °C (70.9°F). The average maximum temp in Malibu is 19.2°C (70.9°F) during day time in May.
How cold is Malibu in May?
The coldest temp in Malibu in May drops to 8.7°C (47.7°F) during the cold nights. With 18.8km/h (11.7mph) winds and 74% humidity it feels like 8.7°C (47.7°F) on the coldest nights. The average minimum temperature is 13.5°C (56.3°F) during night time in May.
Does it rain in Malibu in May?
Yes, it rains for 5 days in Malibu, United States in May averaging 0.26 mm of precipitation. Malibu has a 16.1% chance for rain throughout the entire month of May.
How much does it rain in Malibu throughout May?
Malibu has 0.26 mm (0.01 inch) of rain per day on average in May. It rains for an average of 5 days out of the entire month.
Is Malibu windy in May?
The average speed of wind in Malibu, United States during May is 18.8km/h (11.7mph) and average windgust is 33.9km/h (21mph). On some days in May wind can reach up to 22.9km/h (14.2mph).
What is the direction of the wind in Malibu in May?
Most days of May the wind is blowing from Southwest direction in Malibu.
What are the humidity levels in Malibu in May?
The average humidity levels in Malibu in May are 74%. Daily humidity levels in Malibu range from 63% to 85.3% during May.
How many hours of daylight are in Malibu in May?
Malibu has 13 hours 56 minutes of daylight in May on average. Sunset and sunrise times gradually change throughout the month. Sunrise in Malibu in May is at 5:53:34 and the sunset is at 19:49:55.
What is the cloud coverage in Malibu in May?
Clouds cover 69.1% of the sky on average throughout May in Malibu. The cloud coverage ranges from 14.4% to 99.9% depending on the day of the month.
What is the UV level in May in Malibu?
The average UV index in Malibu is 8.3 in May. UV levels change throughout the month and range from 2 to 10.
What is the solar radiation in Malibu in May?
The average solar radiation is 244.4 W/m2 (Watts per square meter) in Malibu during May. However solar radiation levels change throughout the month and range from 73.3 W/m2 to 345.8 W/m2.
What is the solar energy during May in Malibu?
The average solar energy during May in Malibu is 21.2 MJ/m2 (megajoules per square metre). Solar energy ranges from 6.4 MJ/m2, to 30 MJ/m2 during May.
Are there severe weather risks in Malibu in May?
Yes, there is a 10% risk for severe weather in Malibu, United States in May.
What is the air pressure in Malibu in May?
On average the air pressure in Malibu in May is 1014.4 mb (millibars). Throughout the month the sea level pressure ranges from 1010.4 mb to 1018.4 mb.
What is the visibility in Malibu in May?
The average daylight visibility in Malibu in May is 14.6 km (9.1 miles). Depending on the precipitation the visibility ranges from 11.2 km (7 miles) to 16 km (9.9 miles) throughout May.
What is the dew point in Malibu in May?
The average dew point in Malibu during May is 11.2°C (52.1°F).
Where is the data for Malibu climate in May coming from?
The climate data for Malibu, California, United States in May is collected from the following weather stations.
- SCE Las Flores Canyon Rd CA US SC-EDISON