Napa Weather in November: Temperature, Precipitation, Wind
Napa, United States in November experiences a mild Mediterranean climate characterized by cool temperatures and the onset of the rainy season. The average temperature hovers around 12.6°C (54.6°F), with daytime highs reaching 20.1°C (68.1°F) and nighttime lows dipping to 6.3°C (43.3°F).
Precipitation becomes more frequent in November, with an average of 0.96 inches (24.4 mm) of rainfall. Rain falls on approximately 9 days throughout the month, covering about 8.2% of the time. The probability of precipitation stands at 30%, indicating a moderate chance of wet weather.
Wind patterns in Napa during November are notable, with average wind speeds of 18.2 km/h (11.3 mph) and gusts reaching up to 33.1 km/h (20.6 mph). These winds contribute to the region’s renowned wine-growing conditions, in the famous Napa Valley vineyards.
Cloud cover remains relatively low at 22.5%, allowing for ample sunshine. The average UV index of 5.3 suggests moderate sun intensity, making outdoor activities pleasant during midday hours. Visibility extends to 15.5 km (9.6 miles), providing clear views of the surrounding landscape.
Humidity levels average 65.5%, contributing to the comfortable feel of the air. The average atmospheric pressure of 1017.4 hPa indicates stable weather conditions. Sunrise occurs around 6:58 AM, while sunset takes place at approximately 5:05 PM, resulting in shorter daylight hours as winter approaches.
Visitors to Napa in November enjoy mild temperatures and the picturesque autumn scenery of the wine country. Popular attractions like the Napa Valley Wine Train and the numerous world-class wineries offer unique experiences during this time of year.
What is the temperature in Napa in November?
Average air temperature in Napa is 12.6°C (54.6°F) in November. The outside temperature in Napa feels like 12.3°C (54.2°F) on a typical November day. The highest average temperature during sunny days is 20.1°C (68.1°F) and feels like 20.1°C (68.1°F). The lowest average temperature after dark is 6.3°C (43.3°F) which feels like 5.4°C (41.7°F).
How hot is Napa in November?
The hot temperature in November in Napa rises to 26.2°C (79.2°F) on sunny days with low cloud coverage and 65.5% humidity. During hottest days of November it feels like 26.2 °C (79.2°F). The average maximum temp in Napa is 20.1°C (79.2°F) during day time in November.
How cold is Napa in November?
The coldest temp in Napa in November drops to 0°C (32°F) during the cold nights. With 18.2km/h (11.3mph) winds and 65.5% humidity it feels like -2.5°C (27.5°F) on the coldest nights. The average minimum temperature is 6.3°C (43.3°F) during night time in November.
Does it rain in Napa in November?
Yes, it rains for 9 days in Napa, United States in November averaging 0.96 mm of precipitation. Napa has a 30% chance for rain throughout the entire month of November.
How much does it rain in Napa throughout November?
Napa has 0.96 mm (0.04 inch) of rain per day on average in November. It rains for an average of 9 days out of the entire month.
Is Napa windy in November?
The average speed of wind in Napa, United States during November is 18.2km/h (11.3mph) and average windgust is 33.1km/h (20.6mph). On some days in November wind can reach up to 36km/h (22.4mph).
What is the direction of the wind in Napa in November?
Most days of November the wind is blowing from South direction in Napa.
What are the humidity levels in Napa in November?
The average humidity levels in Napa in November are 65.5%. Daily humidity levels in Napa range from 34.6% to 87.9% during November.
How many hours of daylight are in Napa in November?
Napa has 10 hours 06 minutes of daylight in November on average. Sunset and sunrise times gradually change throughout the month. Sunrise in Napa in November is at 6:58:54 and the sunset is at 17:05:26.
What is the cloud coverage in Napa in November?
Clouds cover 22.5% of the sky on average throughout November in Napa. The cloud coverage ranges from 0% to 97.3% depending on the day of the month.
What is the UV level in November in Napa?
The average UV index in Napa is 5.3 in November. UV levels change throughout the month and range from 2 to 7.
What is the solar radiation in Napa in November?
The average solar radiation is 122.4 W/m2 (Watts per square meter) in Napa during November. However solar radiation levels change throughout the month and range from 36.6 W/m2 to 163.8 W/m2.
What is the solar energy during November in Napa?
The average solar energy during November in Napa is 10.6 MJ/m2 (megajoules per square metre). Solar energy ranges from 3.3 MJ/m2, to 14.2 MJ/m2 during November.
Are there severe weather risks in Napa in November?
Yes, there is a 10% risk for severe weather in Napa, United States in November.
What is the air pressure in Napa in November?
On average the air pressure in Napa in November is 1017.4 mb (millibars). Throughout the month the sea level pressure ranges from 1009.3 mb to 1026.3 mb.
What is the visibility in Napa in November?
The average daylight visibility in Napa in November is 15.5 km (9.6 miles). Depending on the precipitation the visibility ranges from 11.6 km (7.2 miles) to 16 km (9.9 miles) throughout November.
What is the dew point in Napa in November?
The average dew point in Napa during November is 5.4°C (41.7°F).
Where is the data for Napa climate in November coming from?
The climate data for Napa, California, United States in November is collected from the following weather stations.
- Oakville CA US CIMIS
- FW1058 American Canyon CA US
- FW7520 Sonoma CA US